Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall

Sun Yat-Sen

Longshan Temple

I returned to the hostel at 3:30 PM due to being quite tired. After a half hour on the computer, the owner of the hostel says he has to move me to the other building because another group was coming in for a night. So I follow him to the other building, and it is starting to rain. I get settled down in my very tiny room, top bed bunk, and spend another 3 or 4 hours on the computer. Then I took a three hour nap! What a waste of a day! Then my roommate from the other building moved over to my room, an American from Idaho teaching in Seoul. The room had a ventilation system, but it was still quite hot, and I failed to get even another half hour of sleep that night. Thankfully, that didn’t slow me down at all the next day.

My original room, which I did move back to for another two nights after the third night in the tiny room. My lunch is on my bunk. Green tea and something wrapped in seaweed and rice from 7-11. The guy from Idaho was in the bottom bunk, and a guy from Osaka was in the other top bunk.
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